What better way to end our 2022 bowling year than to gather with over 100 of our friends for a sensational morning tea prepared by our Social team (with extra goodies from our some of our other culinary whizzes).
Whilst we only had 7 rinks available, everyone was happy to bowl in "shifts", with those not on the green putting their heads together to work out the answers to Corie and Karen's trivia quizzes. Judging by the groans when answers were revealed, a little knowledge was gained along the way 😀.
Thank you to all that contributed to our two spider collections - we added $145 to our charity collection!!
After bowls/trivia, we welcomed a return to The Kitchen's wonderful buffet lunch, and it was sensational.
Congratulations Johne, Katie and your team of wonderful staff - the buffet was beautifully presented with prawns, chicken, pork, ham and variety of salads, and pavlova or cheesecake for dessert.
Following lunch we held the raffle draw for our massive Christmas hampers and other prizes. Thank you to all that donated goods or cash to prepare these hampers, and thank you to our VP's and other members that helped prepare these.
Finally, we concluded the day with our Lucky Door draw - 60 prizes of $10. We may never know who had ticket number 31, but if you do find it in your pocket, sorry - we did a re-draw 😀
President Karen and committee would like to wish all our members and their families a safe and happy Christmas and New Year. Bowls resumes Thursday January 5.
Below are some photos from the day - thank you to Mary Farrugia for taking these and for providing the music on the green (there was certainly a lot of dancing going on under the dome).