As a unified Club, this website will no longer be maintained as we explore new options to communicate with all our members. All Club information will be posted on Team App. If you require assistance gaining access to Team App please see one our Committee members.


At the BBWBC AGM held on Thursday 4th November, 2021, members agreed in principle to the formation of a Unification Working Group (UWG) to investigate the possibility of the unification of BBWBC and Bateau Bay Bowls (formerly Bateau Bay Men’s Bowling Club).

This Group has now been formed and comprises three members of BBWBC, Lisa Caswell, Lynn Farah, Marion Lindsay and three members of BBB, Les Mackie, Andrew Hemming and Michael Peck.

The Group met informally on Thursday 13th January and the members agreed that Lisa Caswell would be Chair of the Group and Les Mackie would be Secretary.  The Group will meet with, or will be given guidance from Bowls NSW as soon as practical.

The possible unification of our two clubs is an important topic and one that will not be resolved quickly, and we are happy to allow the UWG to take as much time as it needs to present our members with their findings.  When this occurs you, our members, will be asked to vote on whether to proceed with unification.  If the majority of members from both clubs agree, then we will proceed down that path, however, if the majority of members feel that the time is not quite right for unification, at least the groundwork is done and ready for when our members do think the time is right.

If you have any questions or concerns about the Group or the feasibility of unification, you should direct your questions to either the Ladies or Men’s Committees.  

Finally, we would like to thank all members of the UWG for taking on this very important role.

President Desley Stephenson & President Kevin Russell